Purple Star Schools
Information about the Purple Star Schools Program
In an effort to serve the military community, Utah has joined a growing number of states throughout the nation to recognize Purple Star Schools – schools that go the extra mile to provide smooth transitions for military families.
Alpine School District supports the Purple Star Schools program by facilitating program participation among our 92 schools. We celebrate schools who embrace the spirit of the Purple Star Schools program and recognize how the program helps all students achieve the Vision for Learning.
District Purple Star Schools Liaison: Rich Stowell, Director of Communications | [email protected]
How to Earn the Purple Star Designation
Each school that wants to be recognized as a Purple Star School must provide evidence that they have the following:
- Staff point of contact for military students and families.
- Dedicated page on your school website. The district communications team has provided this web page as a model and can assist with publishing it on any school site.
- Student-led transition program. This group will be responsible for welcoming new military-connected students and making them feel part of the school community. It can be an existing group at your school.
- Professional development for additional staff on special considerations for military students and families. The district communications team will provide these resources to schools upon request.
- Resolution publicizing support for military students and families.
Resources for Educators
USBE Purple Star Schools https://schools.utah.gov/policy/purplestarschools
Military Interstate Children’s Compact Commission (MIC3) Utah https://mic3.net/state/utah/
United Through Reading https://unitedthroughreading.org/
Military Child Education Coalition Purple Star Schools Training
Resources for Families
U.S. Dept. of Education for Military Families & Veterans https://www.ed.gov/veterans-and-military-families
Military One Source https://www.militaryonesource.mil/
Military Family Life Counselors-MFLCs https://www.militaryonesource.mil/confidential-help/non-medical-counseling/military-and-family-life-counseling/
Sesame Street for Military Families https://sesamestreetformilitaryfamilies.org/
National Military Family Association https://www.militaryfamily.org/